GuitarNuts Tech Stuff

potting pickups  


Do the pickups on your electric guitar squeal like pigs fighting over rotten melons?  Read John Thornburg's article Potting Pickups to Reduce Microphonic Noise.

Feeling Lucky?

Is your life worth five bucks?  Stop gambling.  Spend five bucks for an outlet tester today or your next gig might just kill you.
  shock hazards

cords and cables  

Cords 'n Cables

Oxygen free plated plugs...extra fine stranded wire...  Is all that just clever marketing intended to suck money out of your pockets?  We lay out the simple truth so you can decide whether or not that premium chunk o' wire is worth your hard earned money.

Troubleshooting Guides

Step-by-step guides to troubleshooting various problems with your equipment.
  Troubleshooting Guides

bucket of noise  

Bucket 'O Noise

So, why does the noise level change when you touch the strings on your guitar? Hint, you aren't grounding the strings!  In fact, you're just a big bucket O' noise!


Throughout this site you'll see small icons of the ProTips™ logo.  We've also collected all the tips together here for your browsing pleasure.
  ProTips Index