GuitarNuts Amplifier References |
Here are a number of references relating to tube amps, all of them listed at Amazon.com. Some of these are
books I've owned or borrowed, some I'm drooling over, some look very interesting from a historical point of view,
and some are just a mystery.
Inside Tube Amps by Dan Torres is an excellent book for the person with very little
electronics experience. It contains a good mix of "why," "how," and "just do this" information couched
in terms that any reasonably intelligent person can understand even if they don't have a math or electronics
background. If anything it may be a bit too basic for experienced technicians. This definitely should
be on every novice's bench even if it does promote what I consider to be a couple of harmless "golden-ear" myths.
Note that I've included a couple of "audiophile" references because, while the last thing we want for our guitar
amps is a painfully pure audiophile amp, sometimes you need to know the "rules" in order to violate them properly!